Here's a shout-out of sorts to the lovely folks chez Nikon: the one piece of kit I've ever bought new, an SB-600 flash unit, crapped out less than two months out of the package. Here's hoping your warranty is good.
I make do 1) by falling in love with ultra-fast lenses and 2) more pertinently gimping around with a Leica SF-20 flash that I really need to sell (give me a shout if you're interested: TTL on M6/M7, £60). The SF-20 has a reputation for being somewhat weak. God knows where that came from, because to me it's like trying to take a piss and realizing that you're holding a fire hose instead.
Nevertheless, some interesting effects came out of playing around with it. Here are the results:
This is one of the more sinister photos I've ever taken, of some of the least sinister people I know. She'll bite your straw and he'll drink you to death with a determined stare.
And then sometimes it was dead-on.
I'll never figure this crap out.
berlin: summer vibes
7 years ago
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